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295 weeks ago

Tamil Movie Pride And Prejudice And Zombies Free Download

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a5c7b9f00b The five highly trained Bennett sisters in Georgian England must try to protect themselves from the growing zombie threat, find suitable husbands for themselves, battle marriage proposals and unlikely suitors, and save the country before it's too late.
Five sisters in 19th century England must cope with the pressures to marry while protecting themselves from a growing population of zombies.
The title pretty much says it all. The Bennet girls have been instructed in the orient in various martial arts, and when sisters fight, well, you get the picture. The film was more drama and romance than simple zombie fighting. Men propose at the drop of a hat.<br/><br/>This production follows in a series of zombie films based on novels, "My Fair Zombie", "Warm Bodies" ("Romeo and Juliet"), that Asylum "Sleeping Beauty" thing, and "Twilight" with Kristen Stewart. Clearly this Zombie film had a serious budget. The movie followed the novel rather well (minus that one thing)Lily James turned in an excellent performance unaccustomed to "B" movies.<br/><br/>Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity
Having read and enjoyed the book, I was dubious that the movie could live up to such a wonderful adaptation of a great classic. I was, however, pleasantly surprised. I will say, for those who are fans of the novel (the adaptation or the original), this does not exactly stick to the storyline of the novel. In particular, the second half of the movie does differ significantly, so don't be surprised to find that you don't know exactly what is going to happen next.<br/><br/>There were some parts of the novel missing that I had particularly enjoyed, but you can't have everything. The writers had put together a decent script which I think has surprised a lot of people. Yes, there are a lot of people out there who look down on genre films and that is their right to do so. I am sure that many who believe the only good book is one which is over a hundred years old will be horrified by the treatment of Austen's novel. My only comment on that is that it leaves more room in the cinema for those of us who not only love the classics, but also a good zombie novel.<br/><br/>From my point of view, the actors did a good job of portraying characters blended by two authors plus screen writers. The film was beautifully shot throughout and although the story departs from the novel, it is entertaining. There is plenty of action throughout,Elizabeth and her sisters prove that being female does not mean one has to sit back and wait to be rescued by a man. It means getting out there and killing zombies. That does not mean a woman is not open to the prospect of romance and marriage, merely that the man who falls in love with a woman like this is unlikely to be one who requires a demure wife.<br/><br/>I didn't expect the cinema to be full - and it wasn't. We did get the fun of seeing a group of mid-teens watching the movie and apparently encountering Jane Austen for the first time. Watching their reactions to the Jane Austen parts of the movie was almostentertainingthe movie itself. I can almost guarantee that at least half that group will be reading the originalwellthe adaptation to see how they compare. Finally, before anyone complains that this is a film that men cannot relate to, I would point out that my action-film-fan husband came with me to the cinema and absolutely loved it. We have both seen more than one adaptation of Austen's original novel and haven't been over impressed; this was a refreshing change that made for an enjoyable afternoon out.
Lumbering, lifeless, and—strange thing to say about a cadaver—almost entirely charmless. Almost entirely because both Lily James,headstrong heroine Elizabeth Bennet, and Sam Riley,her brooding suitor Mr. Darcy, make for a delightful onscreen pair.

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last edited 217 weeks ago by Clamerencio
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